Community Day: Meet R.J. Faulkner from Canberra, Australia

I’d like to welcome R.J. Faulkner to our blog today. R.J.’s group is from Canberra, Australia and has 13 group members.

Narelle: Please share with us something unique about your group.

R.J.: This is a difficult question to answer, as it’s the only such group I’ve been involved in, but if I had to think of something unique it could be that at one point, when the group consisted of just six members, half of the group were from the same family. I quite liked that!

Narelle: Where does your group meet?

R.J.: Usually in the family home of a member, but we try and keep things interesting by changing locations every year.

Narelle: What is your group currently studying?

R.J.: Our Bible studies are usually a “follow-up” look at the sermon that was preached the previous Sunday. They can focus on a particular book of the Bible, or perhaps a Bible character and their life lessons and how we can apply them to our own lives.

Narelle: What do you like about your group?

Dave: A large range of ages in the group.

Hannah M: That we’re really supportive and encouraging of each other. I like that we pray for each other, and that we’re able to tell each other what’s going on in our lives.

Narelle: Does your group have a favourite food or activity?

Gee: Cheezels.

R.J.: I love the socializing and meal-sharing in general, and I’m always keen for the loungeroom karaoke that we sometimes partake in before a holiday break.

Narelle: Why do you think it is important to belong to a Bible Study group?

Dee: The different atmosphere outside church.

Emma: Having mid-week time with other Christians, as well as Sunday.

Hannah D: It’s about caring for each other.

Thank you R.J. for visiting with us today and giving us an insight into your group.

R.J. FAULKNER was born in Canberra, Australia. Health reasons saw him resign from the retail and hospitality enterprises in 2004. It was around this time that he began studying self development, leading him to the conclusion that the best self-help material was often biblically inspired. He then began studying the Bible more seriously and gleaned much wisdom and strategy from it, as he continued to face significant health challenges. He now wishes to share his life experience with others in his ebook 31 Ways You Can Fight and Beat Back Pain. This is the first title in his “31 Ways” series of books, aimed at those who wish to enjoy an improved quality of life, particularly in the area of health. Now combining his retail experience and passion for music, Rodwell is also the owner of RJ Music and Collectables, selling new and pre-loved CDs, books, toys, and music memorabilia.

For more information about the ebook 31 Ways You Can Fight and Beat Back Pain visit

We hope you’ve been encouraged by hearing about R.J.’s group. If you’d like your group to be featured in a Community Day post, please contact us at: community [at] 30minutebiblestudies [dot] com

Community Day: DVD recommendation – The Reason for God DVD Pack by Timothy Keller

Narelle: My Bible study group recently decided to do something different and use The Reason for God DVD study series. There were six sessions that looked at issues people find difficult to deal with when exploring Christianity.

It was fascinating to hear the views held by the panelists and to learn why they struggled with various issues. At times we were a little frustrated because the conversations were edited to fit into the DVD time schedule, although we appreciated the fact that the DVD sessions were relatively short and concise. We would have liked to have heard more details from a few of the panelists on certain discussion points.

Timothy Keller did a great job in moderating the panel and drawing out the essence of each discussion topic. After we watched each session, we worked through the discussion points in the study guide and learned a lot through our conversations. I recommend this DVD study series to groups looking to learn how to answer many of the tough questions asked by people interested in exploring the Christian faith.

Back cover blurb:

In the New York Times bestselling book The Reason for God, Timothy Keller established himself as a modern-day C. S. Lewis who brings together faith and intellect, theology and popular culture, modern-day objections and historic Christian beliefs. Now fans of the book will find resources to help them engage with those same objections, drawing on recent scholarship and debates.

The Reason for God curriculum can be used individually, in groups, or by any believer who is engaging with friends who don’t share his or her beliefs. Christians will be challenged to wrestle with their friends and neighbors’ hardest questions, and to engage those questions in ways that will spark an honest, enriching, and humbling dialogue.

The Reason for God DVD captures a live and unscripted conversation between Timothy Keller and six panelists discussing their objections to Christianity. The discussion guide will help small groups and individuals dig deeper into these objections and learn about both sides of the issues.

Curriculum Details: Session Titles and Descriptions: 1. Isn’t the Bible a Myth? 2. How Can You Say There Is Only One Way to God? 3. What Gives You the Right to Tell Me How to Live My Life? 4. Why Does God Allow Suffering? 5. Why Is the Church Responsible for So Much Injustice? 6. How Can God Be Full of Love and Wrath at the Same Time?

Awards: 2011 Christian Retailers Choice award for Curriculum (Nontraditional) 2011 Outreach Magazine Resources of the Year for Small Group (Curricula)

buy the book from The Book Depository, free delivery

Reason for God Pack, Includes One DVD and One Discussion Guide from

Community Day: How can you get involved?

Narelle here. Friday is our Community Day on the blog and each Friday we’d like to focus our posts on small groups. Our goal is to feature groups from all around the world. Each group is different and we’d like to know what it is that you love about your group. What makes your group unique and why do you think it’s important to meet together to study the Bible?

We’d love to hear from you and learn more about your group. Please contact us at: community [at] 30minutebiblestudies [dot] com if you’d like more information on how your group could be featured in one of our Community Day posts.


The deadline to enter our June Bible Quiz and eBook giveaway is midnight on JUNE 25 AEST.

The June 20 Bible Quiz and eBook giveaway post can be found here: Bible Quiz and eBook giveaway

Community Day: Meet Ray Hawkins from Australia

I’d like to welcome Ray Hawkins to our blog today. Ray’s group is from Tasmania and has 12 regular group members.

Narelle: Please share with us something unique about your group.

Ray: We comprise folk from various Australian states, Wales, England and South Africa.

Narelle: Where does your group meet?

Ray:  We meet primarily in homes on a rotating basis.

Narelle: What is your group currently studying?

Ray: We have just finished a series on the life of King David. This was done in conjunction with the Sunday sermon. We begin a 4 month Discipleship program next. Part of our purpose is to offer opportunities to each person to lead a study time. Not all will accept but the offer is there.

Narelle: What do you like about your group?

Group members: What we enjoy about our group is the acceptance of views and a willingness to share stories. There is also the opportunity for interested folk to lead.

Narelle: Does your group have a favourite food or activity?

Group members:  We don’t have a meal as such. After studies we have the proverbial ‘cuppa’ and cake.

Narelle: Why do you think it is important to belong to a Bible Study group?

Group members: The importance of belonging to the group is mutual support, discovering new insights for living the Christian life in a meaningful way. Although not as such an accountability group, we do look out for each other and assist in the tough times which come.

Thank you Ray for visiting with us today and giving us an insight into your group.

Ray: Who am I?

I began my life’s journey in 1938 so you can see I’ve outgrown my youthful zest. Raised in Rockdale, a Sydney suburb of NSW I grew up in a typical (if such exists) working class home. My father was a returned soldier. Enjoyed sport and Sunday School but not State schools. I have 2 sisters and 1 brother all younger than I.

I made a decision for Christ around 12 years of age but didn’t really become serious until around 18 years. I began work at 15 as a labourer. The 1959 Billy Graham Crusade in Sydney impacted me greatly. That and a new minister at Church caused me to think about the Christian Ministry. Entered Bible College in 1960 aged 21 and enjoyed 4 years of studies, inter-action and being chiselled and shaped by God in heart and mind. I met my future wife, Mary in my final year. She was doing a two year course. We married in 1964 and have three children.

Now retired after 40 years of ministry I stand in awe of God’s faithfulness and guidance. Mary and I were church planters and often self supporting. Three short term mission trips to Africa in our more senior years also was a wonderful and humbling experience. It triggered also my writing career as a poet and devotional author.


We hope you’ve been encouraged by hearing about Ray’s group. If you’d like your group to be featured in a Community Day post, please contact us at: community [at] 30minutebiblestudies [dot] com


We’re giving away a copy of Ray’s Devotion Children: God’s Special Interest to a reader with an Aussie mailing address who comments on our June 14 post by midnight on Tuesday, June 19 AEST. Please check out our June 14 Book Recommendation and giveaway post for more information.

Community Day: Meet Lisa Harris from Mozambique

Narelle here. I’d like to welcome Lisa Harris to our blog today. Lisa’s group is from Inhambane, Mozambique and has 6-8 group members.

Narelle: Please share with us something unique about your group.

Lisa: Our group is a mixture of cultures and languages. Between us, we speak at least four languages including Portuguese, English, Africaans, and several local languages. While communication can be a challenge at times, it’s been fun to be a part of such diversity.

Narelle: Where does your group meet?

Lisa: We meet on Saturdays outside in the yard of one of our member’s homes under a tree where it is cooler.

Narelle: What is your group currently studying?

Lisa: We are studying a series of lessons on women of the Bible in order to show our women that no matter who they are they can be used by God.

Narelle: What do you like about your group?

Group members: We love the opportunity to learn from God’s word, to pray for each other, and to get to know each other better.

Narelle: Does your group have a favourite food or activity?

Group members: We get suckers (candy/lollies) for learning memory verses.

Narelle: Why do you think it is important to belong to a Bible Study group?

Lisa: Today we studied Eunice, Timothy’s mother, and learned the importance of raising our children to follow God. Several shared how they went to church with their families growing up, but they still knew nothing about the Bible and what God wanted for them. They talked about the importance of learning God’s word so we can share with others and be a light in our community. There is a joy and excitement in them as they study God’s word.

Thank you Lisa for visiting with us today and giving us an insight into your group.

LISA HARRIS is an award-winning author who has over twenty novels and novella collections in print. She and her husband, Scott, along with their three children, live near the Indian Ocean in Mozambique as missionaries. As a homeschooling mom, life can get hectic, but she sees her writing as an extension of her ministry which also includes running a non-profit organization. The ECHO Project works in southern Africa promoting Education, Compassion, Health, and Opportunity and is a way for her to “speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves…the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice.” (Proverbs 31:8)

When she’s not working she loves hanging out with her family, cooking different ethnic dishes, and heading into the African bush on safari.  For more information about her books and life in Africa visit her website at or her blog at For more information about The ECHO Project, please visit


We hope you’ve been encouraged by hearing about Lisa’s group. If you’d like your group to be featured in a Community Day post, please contact us at: community [at] 30minutebiblestudies [dot] com


The deadline to enter our Bible Quiz and eBook giveaway is midnight on JUNE 5 AEST.

The May 28 Bible Quiz and eBook giveaway post can be found here:

Community Day: Meet Heidi Silberman from Australia

I’d like to welcome Heidi Silberman to our blog today. Heidi’s group is from Canberra, Australia and has 40+ group members.

Narelle: Where does your group meet?

Heidi: Every Thursday during term time a group of about 40 women take over our church building. We chat over a cup of tea or coffee and a sumptuous spread of morning tea before dispersing to various hidey-holes in smaller groups to study God’s Word. It’s great to have this time of fellowship first and to feel like we are part of something bigger than the study groups of 6-8.

Narelle: What is your group currently studying?

Heidi: This term we have been able to choose which group to be part of. One is doing a “Back to Basics” of Christianity, another focusing on the roles of wife and mother and two groups (due to popular demand!) are studying the book of Romans.

I’m in one of the Romans groups and I love that we can dig our teeth into what God has to say to us through Paul’s words. I appreciate being listened to and being free to open up – I admit I cry on a regular basis at Bible study! I also love being one of the younger women in the group as I learn so much from these amazing role models who have been on their journey much longer than me.

Narelle: What do you like about your group and why do you think it’s important to belong to a Bible study group?

Heidi: I asked some of my group members to share their thoughts on the group.

Diana appreciates the gales of laughter that so often emanate from our corner of the building. She likes the freedom to share, to reveal weaknesses and fears and the affirmation she receives from hearing what others have to say.

Liz likes our group because “everyone is wiser than me”. She believes it is important to belong to a Bible study group in order to keep focusing on God regularly and so she can support her Christian sisters both practically and in prayer.

Cheryl likes the friendship that develops trust, bringing a freedom to share of ourselves.

Shelley thinks it is important to be part of a group as God uses others in the group to confirm what He has been saying in other parts of our lives.

Our group leader Robyn likes the insight that group members bring to our group. “People are not just saying the stock answer, but bring up things I hadn’t thought of.” She thinks it’s important to be part of a Bible study group because you can dig deeper than when studying on your own.

Rebecca says “I love the fellowship with other sisters in Christ, the closeness we can share, the encouragement we can provide to each other, and the learning of God’s Word together. I love sharing the common goal with other women of seeking to become more like Christ and seeking His truth and answers in the Word.” Close knit fellowship and accountability isn’t possible on Sunday morning so a Bible study can fill that gap.

Thank you Heidi for visiting with us today and giving us an insight into your group.

HEIDI SILBERMAN lives in Canberra, Australia with her husband and four gorgeous kids. She teaches and performs improvised theatre and loves writing. She has written for community websites and anthologies and her first 10 minute play will be performed in August.

Her parenting blog, Postcards From Planet Chaos, is at:

and her Christian devotional blog, Everyday Pearls, is at:

Community Day: Meet Missy Tippens from USA

Narelle here. I’d like to welcome Missy Tippens to our blog today. Missy’s group is from Winder, Georgia and has 20-30 group members (varies each session).

Narelle: Please share with us something unique about your group.

Missy: I think one of the most unique things about our group is that we come from various churches in the community. It’s so fun to study with women from other denominations and backgrounds. We also have a wide range of ages—from the late 30’s to around age 80!

Narelle: Where does your group meet?

Missy: We meet at my church in a large Sunday school room. We used to set up the tables in a large “U” around the room but have had to go to more of a theater-seating format with rows of tables to be able to see the videos.

Narelle: What is your group currently studying?

Missy: So far, our group has always done Beth Moore studies. We meet weekly for two hours with time for prayer requests, discussing the lesson and watching Beth speak by video. Right now, we’re studying the book of James in James: Mercy Triumphs.

Narelle: And we have a few questions for the members of Missy’s group. Firstly, what do you like about your group?

Laura Reynolds: I like our group because we are all open and honest.  We bring our thoughts and concerns to the table when questions are asked.  We are comfortable with each other.

Nancy R.: What I love about our group is the wonderful ladies we have and the fellowship we share.  The other thing I love is our leader, Dotty, who brings so much love and humor to the group.

Narelle: Does your group have a favourite food or activity?

Laura Reynolds: We go out to lunch each week after the study.  We try to choose a different place each week.  If you can come…great…if not we hope you can come next week.  We also have a covered dish luncheon after the completion of each study and have a great time.

Narelle: Why do you think it is important to belong to a Bible Study group?

Laura Reynolds: It is an excellent way to make new friends and grow relationships with other ladies that you would not perhaps be able to any other way.  There is something very special about studying God’s word with others and to share and listen how others respond to questions.  It is amazing how when someone responds, another would not have thought about it that way.  Bible study is a very important part of my life and it makes the scriptures come alive and makes them more understandable.  And as for the friendships/relationships, well all I can say is they are “priceless”.  I highly recommend a Bible study to everyone. Try it and I know you will love it.

Nancy R.: It’s important to belong to a Bible study group so that I can stay in the Word on a daily basis, stay close to God, and to be held accountable by the group for my study.

Thank you Missy for visiting with us today and giving us an insight into your group.

Missy Tippens, a pastor’s wife and mother of three, made her first book sale to Love Inspired in 2007. Her books have since been finalists for the Booksellers Best, ACFW Carol Award (Formerly Book of the Year Award) and the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence. Her most recent from Love Inspired, A House Full of Hope, was released in February. Georgia Sweethearts is coming in spring 2013.

Visit Missy at

Find her on social media:!/MissyTippens

We hope you’ve been encouraged by hearing about Missy’s group. If you’d like your group to be featured in a Community Day post, please contact us at: community [at] 30minutebiblestudies [dot] com

Community Day: Narelle’s group in Australia

Narelle here. Today I’m going to share some thoughts from members of my Bible study group. We all attend the same church service and meet weekly in one of our homes. We have been following the sermon series at church and studying the relevant Bible passages in our group discussions.

We bring along our Bibles (in various forms) and embrace technology to read the Bible.

I asked my group members a few questions and they have very kindly provided their answers below. One thing I like about my group is we’re not afraid to ask the tough questions and discuss difficult issues. It’s a safe environment to express our opinions and learn from others in the group.

Here’s what the other group members like about our group:

“I like the way that in our group we can share our opinions and thoughts openly, even if they are different from others and still grow in fellowship with each other and God.”

“Supper :P, no, the genuine the discussions we have about Christ and the fellowship that results from this.”

“I love to see how Christ works through friendships created in a group for His purpose.”

“I like how everyone can share and have fun together. Its great to have a group of Christian friends to grow in Christ with.”

“I like that we can ask questions openly and learn from those older than us.”

“Yea I also like the openness and also how easy it is to have discussions within the group.”

“The people, I love seeing people grow in their knowledge and love of Christ. So awesome.”

I asked my group if they have a favourite food or activity. The food is always good, and I’ve included below a photo from the Passover meal we shared before Easter.

“We do like to break out a guitar or piano and play a few songs at the end of our study occasionally.”

“We always have creative ice breakers, or ‘ice makers’ as well call them.”

“We recently had a Passover meal together which was a wonderful time of fellowship, remembering Gods promises, songs and delicious roast lamb all squished around a coffee table :)”

“Bible study introduced me to tea and now I love it!!!! I like how we can all enjoy tea together and chat.”

“Consistently eating more chips and lollies then what is healthy.”

“Warm Turkish bread and dips :)”

“Singing and playing instruments after the study! So good!!!”

And I asked my group why they thought it was important to belong to a Bible study group.

“It’s important because you build stronger relationships with a small group of people and those relationships help keep you looking at and reading the Bible, as well as allow you to ask questions you might not ask otherwise, get answers and grow in your relationship with God.”

“To fellowship and bond with other Christians, to discuss the Bible and challenge one another about how to live for Jesus. :)”

“To encourage and build one another up in Christ and to find true friends that will walk with you, pray with you, fast with you and feast with you :)”

“It is important to have fellowship with other Christians to encourage each other in faith and to praise God together for his amazing gifts to us and also to ask him for help with the struggles in our lives and pray for each other and build each other up in Christ.”

“To have a group you see weekly where you can focus more on discussions and develop your faith at a relational level. A place where you can pray and be prayed for.”

“It is good for the encouragement and support so not to get distracted through out the week. The personal side is also good.”

“I believe it is important to be part of a small group so we can practice what is preached on Sundays by loving, encouraging and serving each other.”

I’d like to thank my group for their thoughtful answers and providing some insights into our group. I hope you’ve been encouraged by hearing about our group and if you’d like your group to be featured in a Community Day post, please contact us at: community [at] 30minutebiblestudies [dot] com

Community Day: The group that inspired 30 Minute Bible Studies

by Narelle Atkins

For our first Community Day post I thought it would be appropriate to feature the group that was the inspiration behind the 30 Minute Bible Studies concept. The group started out as a church mother’s group meeting fortnightly on a Tuesday morning. A Bible study was added on the alternate fortnight and before long the group evolved into a weekly Bible study group.

We had many challenges to overcome, including numerous babies, toddlers and preschoolers to look after as we tried to study the Bible. We worked out that, over a two hour time period, we’d have about 30 minutes in total for Bible study. And that was on a good day!

There were many stops and starts during Bible study as we met our children’s needs. We searched for suitable Bible study material but found the vast majority of studies were designed to run for much longer than 30 minutes.

Deb and I decided to write our own Bible studies, and we started with the Gospel of Mark. It took our group more than a year to work through the 45 Bible studies on Mark. During this time our group grew and we ended up splitting into two groups. One group looked after the children while the other group did Bible study, and then we’d swap.  The 30 Minute Bible Studies worked really well using this time schedule. And I must confess, it was a relief when the older children eventually started school and we had fewer little ones to care for during Bible study.

We lived in the same local area and met in various group member’s homes. Canberra is known as the ‘bush capital’ and below is a photo of  two water cranes.

I have fond memories of this group and I contacted the girls to see if they were interested in sharing their thoughts and memories.

One of the girls remembered how we always had time for a chat and a cup of tea. “It was a chance to talk about parenting and the Bible. I liked having the opportunity to meet with people that I didn’t normally see at church, because they went to a different service. I also liked the contrast from my regular evening Bible study group. Occasionally we studied the same sections of the Bible and it was interesting to see the varying applications to people’s lives because of their contexts.”

A couple of the girls remembered some funny incidents.

“You thinking that the rest of us were married to the same husband because they had the same name!”  (Narelle: Who would have thought there would be 4 girls with husbands sharing the same name? I was new to the group and mystified by all these women talking about my friend’s husband in such a familiar way, lol).

Deb: I remember the digressions best. Like 10 minutes wondering what kind of fish the boy had in his lunchbox when Jesus fed the 5,000. Presumably they didn’t have tinned tuna back then. Or when we got ourselves tied into knots trying to work out how free will and redemption fit together when we considered being on a shelf at Cash Converters, owned by God and waiting to be redeemed. Then sorting out the confusion of one member thinking we were in a ‘porn’ shop rather than a ‘pawn’ shop. Or realising for the 100th time we had all been giggling and making faces at the new baby again and forgotten the question we were supposed to be considering. (Narelle: The pawn shop incident was very funny, lol).

And the group was a blessing to us in many ways.

“The group blessed me with straight-thinking friends at a time in my life when parenting and work was difficult for me.”

Deb: I sent a text message to all the girls with a quick health update, because I knew everyone had been praying and within minutes I had received a phone call or message from everyone wishing me well and offering assistance. We’ve talked a lot about how we express our love in actions over the years, and I often just encourage them not to lose heart and keep doing what they do so well. Offers of lifts, groceries, casseroles and babysitting are all gifts of love from the heart and I have cherished them all.

On the question of why do we think it’s important to belong to a Bible Study group?

“If you only go to church and meet your church friends socially, you’re really only part of another social club. Being part of a group that purposefully meets to study the Bible gives you opportunity to grow as a Christian.”

And one of the girls summarised her thoughts on the group below.

“I don’t really have funny memories of the group but can say that I have always enjoyed the fellowship belonging to the group has provided to me, and have felt privileged to have become quite close to members of the group over the years. It can be very helpful and reassuring to belong to a group of people facing similar life challenges to myself, as we are all raising children and living in the same district.

Members are able to laugh and, occasionally, cry together and provide one another with a sounding board and advice at times. Belonging to the group has helped me not take myself too seriously and keep the challenges of life in perspective, too.”

I hope you’ve been encouraged by hearing about our group. If you’d like your group to be featured in a Community Day post, please contact us at: community [at] 30minutebiblestudies [dot] com

Friday Community Day

Narelle here. Friday is our Community Day on the blog and each Friday we’re going to focus on small groups. We would like to feature groups from all around the world. Each group is different and we’d like to know what it is that you love about your group. What makes your group unique and why do you think it’s important to meet together to study the Bible?

Next Friday I will talk about the ladies Bible study group that inspired Deb and I to write our 30 Minute Bible Studies.

We’d love to hear from you and learn more about your group. Please contact us at: community [at] 30minutebiblestudies [dot] com if you’d like your group to be featured in our Friday Community Day posts.